A bit about the blog...

This blog contains some of my most recent work. Here you will find a mix of modern, soul capturing black & whites with a mix of crazy color popping images. I'll be update often with client sneak peeks, various ramblings and upcoming studio specials and events. Check back often and be sure to leave me some blog love while you are here. 
Comments make me smile! ;-)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

really gonna do it this time (with your help)...

Or at least I am going to try my hardest!! I really want to stay on top of this whole blogging thing. I want to post an image or two from every session I do as a 'sneak peek' for my clients and everyone who follows (will follow once I start blogging on a daily basis).

I want you all to hold me accountable! If a few days goes by and I have not posted a recent session or some random ramblings email, call, text, stop by and tell me to blog!! :)

I have a few upcoming specials and sessions coming up here at the studio and will keep you updated on those and when they will be happening, as well as some day-to-day happenings at home and here at the studio.

So to start off my blogging, here is an image of the adorable Alice!


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